Nowadays wrought forging occupies one of the leading places in adorning the fronts of the detached houses, in decorating of the interiors and decorative mounting of the garden or the parks. The technical methods of forging are known from the ancient period and they remain unchangeable from that time. However new techniques, new decorative methods, the requirements in articles of a new sight make this sort of art modern. Many artists deal with forged method. Tatiana Yudina is one of them. She was born in Penza in 1976. It was a family of artist. Her mother is an artist of glass, her father is a painter.
In 1996 she graduated from the Department of prepare ring masters by Stroganoff Moscow State Art Professional Collage (MSAPC), metal sub-faculty, as a jeweler.
Tatiana Yudina began her creative activities after her graduation from MSAPC in 2002 as an artist of decorative applied art (metal treatment).The artist determined her way as work with material in wrought technique while her diploma prepare ring. The title of the diploma was “Decorative mounting of the front of Moscow Military Conservatory building” from forged metal.
The experience of work in the studio engaged in wrought metal allowed the artist to work together the professional art smith artists and attain the determine level of making creative ideas as well as in working out of different requirement articles. One can see determine unique view to the nature of material, its plastic opportunities in her first things.
The artist works at the elaboration of start sketches of the project till the setting the article in its proper place. The character of forged articles is diverse. They are both decorative things (mirrors, pieces of furniture, lights) and monumental pieces of art (gates, wicket-gates, gratings, stairways, visors).
He experience in building allowed the artist to be occupied with making metal stair constructions (spiral, stairs with complex radii). This is a separate trait of the artist’s creative work.
The teamwork with the architects and customers interesting orders give an opportunity to master the craftsmanship. Every time the artist is ready to turn an “ordinary” at first sight thing into an interesting substandard project. Unusual combination of different methods (forged and casting) and various materials (metal and glass, metal and ceramics) under all their traditional character impact particular individual traits to the articles.
The artist’s articles are in many private houses, they ornament restaurants, apartments but some of them you can see in the present photos. All your risen questions, proposals and wishes you can address: or ring: +7-916-653-5997 |